Love Them or Hate Them Here’s Why the World Needs Bees

Did you know that there are vastly more insects on the planet than humans? There are about 1.4 billion insects for every single person, which is mind-blowing. Experts believe there are more than one million different species of insects, with some guessing it could be closer to 10 million. While humans may find many of these insects “annoying” and a nuisance, one is absolutely essential for humans: bees. Bees are the most crucial insect for humans for many reasons.

Bees Pollinate Our Crops

Bee on a flower
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Bees do an incredible job of pollinating our crops. Thanks to pollination, berries, vegetables, fruits, nuts, beans, peas, and even seeds are all possible. Many of the foods that bees pollinate contain large sources of vitamin C, which is one of the most important vitamins.

Bees Can Help Improve the Nutrient Value of Food

Sliced apples and honey
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When bees pollinate, they can improve a food’s overall nutrient value, as observed in kale and apples. Humans can then benefit from the additional nutritional value.

Bees Aren’t the Only Pollinator But They are The Most Effective

Hummingbird with flower
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You may question why bees are so important when they aren’t the only pollinators. Rodents, birds, monkeys, and humans are also pollinators to a certain degree. Insects are the most prolific though, and bees are the top pollinator.

One Third of the World’s Total Food Production is Reliant on Bees

farmer's market, locally grown vegetables being displayed
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Just how many food items are bees involved in producing? According to the Food Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), one-third of the world’s total food production is estimated to rely on bees. If they were suddenly to disappear, it would be hard to comprehend just how big a hole would be left, and there would be no way to fill it and replace it with other products.

Bees Have a Vital Spot in Food Webs

Spider on the web
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If you can think back to elementary school, there’s a good chance you learned about food webs. Food webs examine how different things are interrelated and dependent on each other, and you can bet that bees have a prominent role in them. This is especially true when mapping out what birds and other animals eat. Without bees, so many animal species would have nothing left in their food web.

The Economy Is Reliant on Bees

hands of man paying money
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Sure, a bee is just an insect, but this tiny insect can significantly impact the world economy. Thanks to their far-reaching efforts, attempting to value bees in the economy is impossible. Crops need bees to ensure they are fruitful, allowing farmers to make a profit. Should the bee population suddenly take a hit, so would the economy and world markets.

Beekeeping Can Be a Prosperous Industry

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Beekeeping can be a great career option. Beekeeping is more common in rural environments, specifically in the Western world. Western honey bees tend to be the most widespread pollinators and are directly responsible for producing more than 1.6 million tonnes of honey per year. These same western honey bees have approximately 80 million hives globally.
As a beekeeper, some colonies can last a few years or longer, so keeping that colony healthy will result in better output.

Biodiversity Is Dependent on Bees

Monkey looking at the camera
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Humans have become well aware of just how important biodiversity – the different kinds of life inhabiting one area, is to the planet. When one element is removed, there is a negative domino effect. Promoting biodiversity isn’t just a topic for scientists. Governments and everyday people are looking for ways to contribute.

Raw Materials Are Also Reliant on Bees

Bees in flowers
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There is plenty of focus on the foods bees produce, but did you also know they help provide other raw materials? Bees help make 50% of the world’s oils, beeswax, fibers, and other raw materials.

Bees Can Help with Healthcare Too

Honey comb
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Healthcare is another industry that bees are active in, as their products contain antioxidant, anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-fungal benefits. You can look at pretty much any culture and discover some ties to products produced by bees that have medical applications. Some of the most common products used for medicinal purposes include beeswax, bee pollen, royal jelly, honey, bee venom, and propolis.

Some interesting research has been conducted on natural honeybee products and their effect on cancer cells. Research shows that honeybee products can inhibit metastasis and tumor cell growth, which means they could end up playing a role in cancer therapy.

Soil Needs Bees to Thrive

A plan freshly planted in a soil beside a watering can
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Soil quality is essential for growing healthy crops; again, bees play an important part. Honeybees do a great job of preventing soil erosion and protecting the soil quality. When bees avert soil erosion, there is a knockdown effect on water. The water supply stays much cleaner, marine life can flourish, and the risk of flooding decreases.

Bees Are an Early Warning System for the Environment as a Whole

Senior Protest
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Finally, bees can act as an early warning system that alerts people about potential environmental problems. If the bee population decreases and starts to see negative changes, this is a direct result of the environment. It’s a sign that people need to examine what’s happening more closely and immediately seek remedies. Acting too late risks losing this essential insect. Once the bees start to dwindle, you can expect other pollinators and crops to dwindle as well.


12 Fake Foods You Need to Watch Out For

Woman reading a food label in a grocery store
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Today’s consumers are among the most educated. They want to know what they are consuming by reading labels with ingredients listed, and they want to make safe and healthy choices. However, some consumers might be unaware that some of those “healthy foods” they are purchasing could be fake, containing fillers and other not-so-good-for-you ingredients. Before heading to the grocery store, here’s a look at fake foods that you need to watch out for to ensure you get the highest and purest quality possible.

12 Fake Foods You Need to Watch Out For

14 Common Cooking Blunders to Avoid

woman looking angry while holding a spatula and leaning on a pot. She's wearing sun glasses and has curlers in her hair
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Creating delicious dishes in your own kitchen is a blast, but let’s face it—mistakes happen! Even if you’re a kitchen whiz, you might be falling into some sneaky pitfalls that are sabotaging your tasty creations. The following is a list of some common cooking slip-ups and how to steer clear of them. From the moment you assemble your ingredients to the final dish, these tips will have you cooking up a storm and impressing everyone at the dinner table.

14 Common Cooking Blunders to Avoid

15 Extremely Unhealthy Foods Americans Won’t Stop Eating

man looking at a burger excitedly
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You’ve heard of the saying “You are what you eat”, but what happens if you don’t have all the facts? What if you think you’re making healthy, or at least decent food and drink choices but in reality those items are harming you? Here are 15 extremely unhealthy foods and drinks that Americans just can’t seem to give up, and what they are doing to your health.

15 Extremely Unhealthy Foods Americans Won’t Stop Eating